Friday, September 23, 2011

Ways I Saved/Earned Money This Week

- I read all of my Inbox Dollars emails for my account and my husband's daily to add money to our accounts.

- I read all of my MyPoints emails daily for my account and my husband's to add points to receive FREE gift cards.

- Cleaned out my coupon binder and filed new coupons for future shopping trips.

- Compared gas prices online before filling up so I could get the lowest price.

- Used FREE dishwasher detergent samples this week when using the dishwasher.

- Continued to use my FREE samples this week - Excedrin, lip balm, lotion, and toothpaste.

- Continuing to try to drink more water. Not only is this good for me but it will also be a great way to save money.

- Received a FREE item in the mail to review and earn $10.

- The weather is a lot cooler so we are not having to use the A/C as much.

- Purchased 2 gift cards at half price for Christmas gifts.

- Printed several coupons for future shopping trips.

- Planned a shopping trip for this weekend.  Made a list and gathered my coupons and gift cards to use.

- The kids and I have been sick this past week.  It was so nice to have to medicine, kleenex, and cough drops on hand to use.

- Stayed at home almost all week since we were sick, hardly any gas used this week. 

- Updated my Christmas list with items purchased this week so I will know what I still need to purchase.

- Completed 2 surveys this week, earned $6.

- Cashed in Swagbucks for another $5 Amazon gift card.

- Did a sponsored post and earned aTarget gift card.

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