I'm Going on Vacation Next Week and Below are Helpful Tips I've Used to Prepare 1) Make a list of everything you need to take - I found a helpful website to do that -
http://www.dontforgetyourtoothbrush.com/. Website recommends printing 2 lists, one to use for packing to leave and one to use for packing to return home.
2) Stop the mail.
3) Water your plants. Set outside plants in a place where rain can reach but not in direct sunlight. If you are going to be away for a long period of time, ask a family member or friend to stop by and water them for you.
4) Let a close neighbor know you are going to be gone and to check on your property while you are away.
5) My husband's favorite thing to do is unplug everything in the house to protect them from power surges or fires. This also cuts back on your electric bill.
6) Leave your contact information with someone in case of any emergency.
7) Make arrangements for your animals if they are not traveling with you.
8) If available, I always try to do a couple loads of laundry while away so I won't have so much to do when I get home.
9)) Leave your home tidy. I hate to come home to a messy/dirty house. My husband has gotten aggrevated at me before because I will be dusting, mopping and vacuuming instead of packing. He does not understand why I clean before I leave.
10) Prepare for when you return. I try to change my sheets before I leave so when I return I have a nice fresh bed to climb into. I also have my clothes prepared for work and some idea of what I can fix the next day for our meals.
11) Coming home from vacation can be sorta depressing for me. I look forward to our vacation for so long and then when its over I hate to return home. I always try to have something fun planned soon after I return so I can look foward to that.
Do you have any other helpful tips to share?
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RocksInMyDryer every Wednesday for other great helpful and frugal tips.