Saturday, June 28, 2008


Vacation Time - Thank Goodness!!!
I'm off to the coast of North Carolina for a week. My family is going to Oak Island. Wish me great weather, lots of fun, relaxation and a safe trip. You can see Oak Island here. I'll be back blogging on Monday - July 7th.
I'm sure I'll have lots to share when I return!!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Finally Friday

TGIF!! Vacation Time!! I will spend tonight packing and cleaning. We are headed out in the morning. We have about a 4.5-5 hour drive. Wish us a safe trip and hopefully I can keep my 20 month old daughter occupied for that long. Have a great weekend!!

Bath & Body Works Coupon

Click here for your coupon to receive a free Lip Favorite or Anti-Bacterial Hand Gel with any $7.50 purchase.

FREE Sample of Sensodyne Toothpaste

Click here for your FREE Sample of Sensodyne Toothpaste.

Walgreens - $5 off $20 Purchase Coupon - FRIDAY ONLY

Click here to print.

Thought of the Day

Find a cause to work for.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Movie: RV -- Have you watched it?

As I have mentioned before, my daughter (Payton) is 20 months old. Sher never really been interested in TV until recently. If she heard a commercial with music, kids, or animals she may stop to watch but only for a couple of minutes. For a couple of months now, she has really gotten into BARNEY. She may watch a 30 minute show 4 times a week but that was her limit.

A couple of weekends ago as I was searching for something on our satellite channel guide I noticed that RV was coming on that afternoon. I set it to record on our DVR since I had not seen it. That evening, I decided to watch it. Payton came over to sit with me (usually for a couple of minutes until she finds something else to do) and she watched the whole movie sitting in my lap. She loved it. I think we have watched it 15 times now. I cannot get over her enjoying this move so much. Usually children are interested in cartoons but not my baby girl.

I am definitely taking the movie with us while traveling (5 hours each way) on vacation.

Thoughtful Thursday

When doing thoughtful things, you normally think of doing something thoughtful for someone else. Today, I am going to do something thoughtful for myself. Something that doesn't cost anything but something I will enjoy. I am going to take a bubble bath. Do something thoughtful for yourself today.

FREE Dunkin Donuts Coffee Sample

Click here for you FREE Sample. To those who received it before, this appears to be a new offer. Click on the right - TASTE FOR FREE to receive.

FREE Sample of Hartz Ultra Guard

Click here for your FREE Sample of Hartz Ultra Guard.

FREE Sample of Freshly Sqeezed Lemonade

Click here for a FREE sample of Freshly Squeezed Lemonade.

FREE Sample of Underjams from Pampers

Click here to order. Choose between boys and girls and then click on the sample offer in the top right hand corner.

FREE Vibe Magazine Subscription

Click here for your FREE Subscription to Vibe Magazine.

Thought of the Day

Compliment yourself several times a day.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Helpful Tips to Prepare for Vacation

I'm Going on Vacation Next Week and Below are Helpful Tips I've Used to Prepare
1) Make a list of everything you need to take - I found a helpful website to do that - Website recommends printing 2 lists, one to use for packing to leave and one to use for packing to return home.
2) Stop the mail.
3) Water your plants. Set outside plants in a place where rain can reach but not in direct sunlight. If you are going to be away for a long period of time, ask a family member or friend to stop by and water them for you.
4) Let a close neighbor know you are going to be gone and to check on your property while you are away.
5) My husband's favorite thing to do is unplug everything in the house to protect them from power surges or fires. This also cuts back on your electric bill.
6) Leave your contact information with someone in case of any emergency.
7) Make arrangements for your animals if they are not traveling with you.
8) If available, I always try to do a couple loads of laundry while away so I won't have so much to do when I get home.
9)) Leave your home tidy. I hate to come home to a messy/dirty house. My husband has gotten aggrevated at me before because I will be dusting, mopping and vacuuming instead of packing. He does not understand why I clean before I leave.
10) Prepare for when you return. I try to change my sheets before I leave so when I return I have a nice fresh bed to climb into. I also have my clothes prepared for work and some idea of what I can fix the next day for our meals.
11) Coming home from vacation can be sorta depressing for me. I look forward to our vacation for so long and then when its over I hate to return home. I always try to have something fun planned soon after I return so I can look foward to that.

Do you have any other helpful tips to share?

You can slo visit Works-for-Me Wednesday at RocksInMyDryer every Wednesday for other great helpful and frugal tips.

FREE Sample of Carmen Estate Coffee

Click here for your FREE Sample of Carmen Estate Coffee.

Another Betty Crocker Warm Delight Mini Offer

Click here to get another sample.

FREE Set of Binders from Corp-Image

Click here to receive your FREE set of binders.

FREE Sample of Seattle's Best Coffee

Click here for your FREE sample of Seattles Best Coffee. It appears that is offer has been reset if you have ordered it before.

Thought of the Day

Don't be afraid to take risks.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Bath & Body Works Coupon

Click here to print your coupon for a FREE 2oz. Lotion with any purchase.

Mail Call

Monday - 6/16/08
Sani Hands for Kids

Tuesday - 6/17/08
Smart Ones Cooler
FREE Issue of Woman's Day
Sunflower Seeds

Wednesday - 6/18/08
Tampax Tampons
Viva Paper Towel
Gift Tags - From the Kitchen Of
Fabulosity Perfume Sample

Thursday - 6/19/08
2 - Charmin Extenders
Nina Ricci Perfume Sample

Friday - 6/20/08

Saturday - 6/21/08
Vaseline Lotion for Men
FREE Book from Billy Graham

FREE New York Pizzeria Dip 'n Sticks

Click here to complete a short for FREE New York Pizzeria Dip 'n Sticks.

Shrimp in Garlic Sauce

1/3 Cup Olive Oil
4 Cloves Garlic, cut into thin slices
1 Bay Leaf
1/4 tsp. Dried Red-Pepper Flakes
2 lbs. Large Shrimp, Shelled
1-1/4 tsp. Salt
1/4 tsp Pepper
3 tbsp Dry Sherry
2 tbsp Lemon Juice
3 tbsp Fresh Parsley

In a large pan, heat the oil over moderate heat. Add the garlic, bay leaft and red-pepper flakes and cook for 3 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Add the shrimp, salt, pepper to the pan, stir to combine.
Cook until shrimp are done - 4 to 5 minutes.
Stir in sherry, lemon juice and parsley.

I made this last night and it was awesome. I am a seafood lover - any kind, cooked any way. I would have provided you with a picture but my camera batteries were dead. Let me know if you try it.

FREE Spitz Sunflower Seeds

Click here to fill out a short survey and to get your FREE sample.

FREE American Greetings Card

Click here for your FREE American Greetings Card from Wal-Mart.

Thought of the Day

Trust most those who have earned your trust.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Procrastination Update!!

I FINALLY DID IT!! I have organized my photos. I started working on them Saturday night after my daughter went to bed and I stayed up until I finished. Once I got started, I didn't want to stop. I have them organized in photo boxes by the date. I kept them in photo envelopes and I labeled each one with the subject. I also completed a photo album which included journaling and I am currently working on a Christmas scrapbook.

Multi-Uses for Fingernail Polish

- panty hose runs
- dab some to the thread of a button to prevent button from falling off
- use to label items
- give to kids to use with an art project
- use on costume jewelry to prevent tarnishing

Do you have any other ideas?

FREE Thomas the Train

Thanks to iMommies for sharing this -- Click here for a coupon to receive a FREE Thomas the Train - Up to a $12.99 value.

FREE Christmas Ornament

Thanks to MoreThanEnough...Click here to order your FREE Christmas ornament from Holidays at Home.

FREE Flexible Cutting Board

Thanks to Budget Helps.... Click here to order your FREE Flexible Cutting Board.

FREE Sample of Pledge Wipes

Click here for your FREE sample.

FREE Sample of Stride Gum

Click here to request your FREE sample.

Thought of the Day

Take time for spiritual growth.

Sunday, June 22, 2008