- Completed my Bing Rewards tasks each day to order the maximum number of credits possible.
- Cleaned out my coupon binder and filed away new coupons.
- Used my dishwasher only once this week.
- Printed a couple coupons to be used in the future.
- Requested a few free samples.
- Ordered (2) $5 Amazon gift cards from Swagbucks.
- Stuck to my menu plan. No eating out.
- Continued to cut my dryer sheets in half to save.
- Entered Coke Reward Points, Pampers Rewards and Huggies Rewards points to each account for FREE gift cards, coupons and gifts.
- Paid a few bills online. Money saved without having to purchase stamps.
- Read a couple of free ebooks on my Kindle app.
- I saved a lot on gas this week because I have been snowed in from Tuesday through Friday morning.
- Received (2) codes for FREE Shutterfly photo books.
- Ordered (1) free Shutterfly photo book but I did have to pay shipping. I used a gift card to pay for shipping so no money was spent.