Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thoughtful Thursday

Do you have a friend going through a hard time? If so, do something special for that friend....cook them dinner, offer a night of babysitting or just give them a shoulder to cry on and a little time to listen if they need to talk.


Natalie said...

That is one of the greatest things you can do when someone is having a tough time. I found out I have the HPV virus a little over a month ago, and that I had an abnormal pap again for the 2nd time in less than 2 years. The place I was previously going, failed to tell me that I had the virus. This time the cells look worse than the last time. Then the next week I find out that there is a 95% chance that my mom has ovarian cancer and has to have a complete hysterectomy in a few weeks. Then my sister in law who has been my best friend for YEARS has a miscarriage. It has been a lot to deal with in a short amount of time, and if it was not for friends being there for me, I would be CRAZY right now.

Maria said...


I am so sorry to hear about the sickness that you and your family are going through. I too had a miscarriage. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

Sending a hug to you.