Monday, February 27, 2012

Anything But Typical Lighting For Our Home

Guest post written by Rachel Grecco

Interior lighting is one of those things that you can really spice up if you think to do it. When we moved into our new home, it just had a bunch of those huge cheap lighting fixtures that have the super long bulbs in them. They make everyone look orange and they're so tacky. So I knew that we needed to change out the light fixtures.

I've gone through so many photo galleries of the strangest kinds of lighting fixtures. But when I was doing that one night, I saw some information about Sears carpeting on an interior design blog and decided that it would be a great investment for our home too. Except I'm putting way more time into finding lighting fixtures.

I've found a unique lighting idea or two and can't wait to actually put them into action. The thing about unique light fixtures is they tend to be a little expensive, so I'm saving up for a few special ones that are really going to let our personalities shine through.

Disclaimer:  This was a guest post.  All information was provided by Rachel Grecco.  I did receive compensation.

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