Saturday, February 26, 2011

My Dollar General Shopping Trip

Since Dollar General is offering their 50% Home Decor this week, I decided to stop by and see what great deals I could find.  You can print the coupon here.

Here is what I purchased:

1 lamp base - 7.00 - 50% = 3.50
1 lamp shade - 5.00 - 50% = 2.50
1 set of dish towels - 4.00 - 50% = 2.00
1 set of hand towels - 4.00 - 50% = 2.00
1 tablecloth (not pictured) - 4.00 - 50% = 2.00
1 picture - 12.00 - 50% = 6.00
1 quart container - 2.00 - 50% = 1.00
2 8 x 10 frames - 2.00 - 50% = 1.00 each
2 5 x7 frames - 2.00 - 50% = 1.00 each
2 4 x 6 frames - 1.50 - 50% = .75 each

Total - $49.00
Less 50%
Total OOP - $24.50

Coupon is good through tomorrow. 

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