Monday, February 8, 2010


My intentions were good but I didn't completely finish the week out like I had intended. I did complete 4 days of my Decluttering and Organizing Week.

Day 1 - My Kitchen
Day 3 & 4 - My Closet

This weekend I finally finished Day 5. It is still amazing to me how much clutter your can accumulate in a short period of time. Moving forward, my goal is to not let this happen again. I feel so much better than I have organized and decluttered these areas. My home looks better and I feel a great sense of accomplished on completing something that I set out to do.



My next project:

I have 3 years worth of little girls clothes that I am going to sorta by size. I have saved them incase I had another little girl but with a boy on the way it is time to declutter and organized and even make some money.

I plan on taking them to a locals children's thrifty store. I also have a mom who wants to take first glance at my 2T and 3T clothes. As you can see I have several bins to sort. Wish me luck.


Sona said...

Well done! I hate clutter and sometimes get that urge to purge. Sadly, I'm married to a pack rat!

Maria said...


I too am married to a pack rat! Since he has been working out of town I have been decluttering. I can't wait until he realizes that lots of things are now gone!! LOL