Saturday, August 10, 2013

Ways I Saved/Earned Money This Week

- I read all of my MyPoints emails daily for my account and my husband's to add points to receive FREE gift cards.

- Continued to use my FREE samples this week including -dishwasher tablet, lotion, fabric softener

- Only used my dishwasher once this week.

- Canned 6 jars of salsa with tomatoes from my garden.

- Froze 3 dozen ears of corn.

- Requested a few FREE samples.

- Stuck to my menu plan. No eating out.

- Continued to cut my dryer sheets in half to save.

-  Planned my grocery shopping using sales and coupons. 

- Entered Coke Reward Points and Huggies Rewards points to each account for FREE gift cards, coupons and gifts.

- Read a couple of FREE magazines = FREE entertainment.

- Stayed home 3 days this week.  Saved gas by doing so.

- Enjoying our days by playing outside and playing in the pool.  

- Cashed in Swagbucks for a $5 Amazon gift card.

- Did a sponsored post.

- Payton and I are continuing to read our library books.

- Paid a few bills online.  Money saved without having to purchase stamps.

- Printed several coupons to use on future shopping trips.

- Still enjoying eat lots of fresh vegetables from our garden.  Less money spent at the grocery store.

- Continued to prepare for consignment sale for kids clothes in September. 

- Return a couple of duplicate gifts from Bryson's birthday party.

- Cleaned out my closet and added items to my yard sale containers.

- Went to our local minor league baseball game with FREE tickets we were given.  Tickets also included FREE food, drinks and snacks.

What did you do to save/earn money this week?

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