Monday, March 19, 2012

Wow, What a Week!!

I'm back!  Sorry for being gone for a week but there was a couple of issues at home that had to be taken care of.

Last Monday was a very sad day.  Our pony, Peanut died Monday morning and I had a heartbroken little girl.   We have no idea what happened, unless it was his age.

I spent of Monday trying to figure out what to tell Payton.  She had never had a pet or a family member to die.  I decided after much thought that it was best to tell her the truth.  I waited until Monday evening after dance class.  It was one of the worst motherhood moments that I have ever had.  She was heartbroken and full of questions.  So I spent most of my week spending lots of extra time with her,  comforting her and answering questions.

Hopefully, this week I can get back to my normal schedule!

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