Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Five Mom Inspired Driving Tips

Driving is something that should be taken very seriously no matter who you are.  Since becoming a  mom of two small kids, I think my driving habits have changed.  Not only am I responsible for myself while driving but I am responsible for my children too.  Here is 5 tips that I follow when driving to keep everyone safe.

1) Buckle Up - Always, Always, Always buckle up.  First thing I do is make sure my children are fastened safely into their car seats.  Not only do I check buckles but I make sure belts are tight, straightened and adjusted properly.  Having a twisted strap can cause a child to complain or cry and you will not have a very enjoyable ride with upset kids.  After the kids are buckled in, I then buckle myself up. 

2) Organize - I have come to realize it is necessary for me to have certain things out and handy to pass to my children.  This keeps me from having to find a certain item while driving or from having to pull over somewhere to find something.  For my 18 month old, I make sure I have his towel, pacifier and cup are within reach.  These things keep him happy while riding and no one wants a crying baby.

3) Check Gas Tank - As a mom, I NEVER want to be stranded on the road alone or with my children.  I make sure I have plenty of gas before heading out.  I also have certain gas stations that I use that are in a safe neighborhood and have a competitive price on gas.  This keeps me and family safe and also helps me save money.

4) Maintenance - I keep a close check on my vehicles service schedule.  I try to do everything possible to keep my vehicle in great working condition.  This also helps to keep me and my family from having vehicles problems and from becoming stranded.  Another great way to save money in preventing problems from occurring.

5) Cell Phone Safety - Absolutely no texting while driving.  There is no way possible that I can drive a vehicle and text .  I don't understand how or why people do this.  When texting you are just asking for an accident to happen.  I do talk on the phone but I make sure I am in an area where there is not a lot of congestion. I try to keep my calls short and make only necessary calls.  They too can be very distracting.

As a mom, safety is one of the most important things you can do for your family.  Moms constantly try to prevent their children from getting hurt.  Driving is no exception. To me nothing would be worse than have a wreck while driving and it be my fault.  Before I get behind the wheel, I try to do everything possible to keep everyone safe.

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Disclosure: “I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Esurance blogging program for 8,000 My SocialMoms Rewards Points. For more information on how you can participate, click here."


SocialMoms said...

I agree, keep your car maintained and checked regularly.

Maria said...

Thanks SocialMoms!