Thursday, May 13, 2010


I am heading into Week 38 and things are not going as smoothly this week. The doctor put me 1/2 days at work last Thursday until my appointment on Tuesday. Tuesday I went in to discover that my blood pressure was very high. The highest reading was 180/120 and the lowest reading was 164/90. He immediately sent me to the hospital for monitoring. I was told that if it did not stabilize then I was going to be induced!!

After staying at the hospital for 4 hours, my blood pressure stabilized after about the first 30 minutes there and I came home. I am out of work until Monday. I am to take it easy, stay off my feet and do nothing. I go back to the doctor for another checkup Monday morning.

Of course, I want them to do whatever is necessary to keep the baby and myself healthy but OH MY GOSH I panicked when I thought the baby may arrive a month early. I still don't have anything ready. Needless to say, my husband will have a very busy weekend!! His list has already been made and we have got to get things done.

Please say a prayer for me and I'll keep you updated.


Janell said...

Hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well! Both my boys were born at 37 wks. There were no problems I just went into labor :) They were both healthy and perfect around 6 pounds each! I am now 22 wks pregnant with #3 :)

Dr. Mom said...

All three of my children were born at week 37. There were no problems and they were all around 7 lbs each. Hope you get some good rest and don't be stressed if they induce you now.

Amanda from Faith, Food and Family said...

Prayers being said!
God bless,