Thursday, January 21, 2010


I have made my yearly "tax envelope" so that I can start collecting all the information needed to complete our taxes. I always use a clasp envelope and put a sticky note on the outside of everything I need to do my taxes. Once I have receive each I check it off and when I have everything checked off I can begin doing my taxes. As of last year, I did my own taxes and found it alot easier than I thought it would be.

You may find this helpful in getting your needed information together. Here is a list of items needed in preparing your taxes.


cassandrasmom said...

Uggg....thank you for the reminder. I told myself last year that I would get an early start on things. Thank you for the link for items needed to prepare taxes. I have a rubbermaid crate I use I can print off the list and tape it to the outside of the box then check it off as things go in to go to the accountant.

Amy said...

Love this organizing technique. Way better than my pile of papers that I hand off to my hubby :) Thanks for the inspiration and the comment today!!