Friday, February 6, 2009

Thrifty and Neat Blog Entries Found This Week

1) Twice Baked Potato Appetizers - These look great and it is a good way to sneak in some veggies for your children.

2) Printable Valentines - This is my first year getting to make Valentines with Payton for playschool. We are going to make them this week.

3) Are You a Frugal SNOB? - Great post by Autumn.

4) A Tribute to Fallen Mothers - If I knew how to do this, then I definitely would.

5) Apple Cinnamon Roast Pork - This sounds wonderful.

6) Thrifty Bathroom Art - I like this and the paint really does make a difference.

1 comment:

"Intentionally Katie" said...

I had Ryan start writing his Valentine's for the first time and I totally took a picture. It was so sweet! My litte 4 year old picking out Valentine's for the girls in his class...and writing their names like a big boy!