Friday, February 6, 2009


Well it is Friday again! It looks like I will be spending another weekend without my husband. He is now in KY still working on storm trouble. It may be a couple of weeks before he returns.

Payton just doesn't understand why her daddy isn't coming home. She knows he is working and she talks to him a couple of times a day but she still asks everyday on the way home if daddy will be there.

Have a great weekend and I'll see you Monday!


Debbie said...

He's already been there a week, hasn't he?

Maria said...

Yes Debbie, it has been 10 days today. He has been released from his "regular" job here until the 23rd so I'm sure it will be a couple of more weeks before he comes home. :(

The only bright side to this...the pay is excellent and the checks come still come here while he is gone. :)