Friday, October 3, 2008

Is It Just Me or Do All Moms Do This??

Please comment and let me know if this something you do also....

My daughter will be 2 - October 13. She is my only child. I have always been a "worrier" but never this bad that I can recall. I am about to drive myself crazy over this. I am currently worrying to the extent of being sick on my stomach over her birthday party that I have planned. I have a list of several people to invite. Most of my friends have children but they are older and only 1 who has one close to her age. My worry..........Will any children her age show up??

I know that all I can do is send invitations and wait until the party to see who shows up but I have 15 days until her party. Will I survive?

Let me know if I am the only one.


Soccer Mom said...

lol you will survive ree.... i worry over every lil thing....youve been there with me thru every worry too!....... birthday partys are a big event..milestone..she will never turn 2 again..this is it..its the big 2... her age will never be referred to in a number of months... shes growing up!!! and YES its going to be the BEST birthday party ever.... she is going to be showered with love and gifts and shes going to have a wonderful time ... dont worry about the kids her age coming... she is so very loved shes going to have a great time playing with all the kids... 2yrs old and UP!...everyones going to be playing and having a great time... and Payton will be the center of attention, as she should be... and she will probably have everyone playing.........and i can only hope.. with all my heart..that lee gets stuck in the playplace....trying to bribe her to play with him hehe... LMAO so to answer your questions.. you are a total NORMAL MOM!

Maria said...

LOL @ Lee getting stuck in the playplace. I hope he shows up!!

Thanks for making me realize I'm not the only one.

Soccer Mom said...

thats what im here for :)... i hope he does too!!! have a great..worry-free weekend!!

Anonymous said...

Hang in there! Did you ask for RSVP's on her invitations? Follow up with them and Find Out if some little friends will be coming. Sometimes we worry most about what we do not know. Remember that the party means more to you this year than to her at 2; it's a Guarantee she will have a blast, what with the presents, cake, and a new dress. :o) Be sure to take lots of pictures, they grow up SO fast. Blessings, Whitney

Debbie said...

You are so sweet and such a good mom. First, breath. Second, remember that she will have a blast no matter who comes or what you do. The day will focus on her and really, don't we all enjoy that? That is always enough for me.

Maria said...

Thank Whitney and Debbie for your words of wisdom. I have taken a deep breath and realized that she will have fun no matter what. I am including RSVP on the invites so hopefully my phone will be ringing at the first of next week.

Thanks again for your comments.

Dr. Mom said...

I think most mothers stress out about birthday parties. I know I usually have about five lists going at once. She will have fun even if there were only older children there. I have learned through three children and fifteen birthday parties so far, that as long as the birthday child is the center of attention they are happy. Many times young children take their cues from their parents. If you don't see a problem, they won't either.

Mandy said...

I subscribe to the Field of Dreams way of thinking in matters like this: "If you send invitations. They will come."
Trust me! Your little lady will have tons of friends show up at her party. I was the same way when I had my little guy's 1st birthday party last year! But, sure enough, I had a house full of people!