Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Thought for the Day

Write someone you love a note saying so.


Anonymous said...

Dear Maria,
I love you, you are a wonderful friend, you have always been there for me and I know you will always be......we have been friends for years and although we (I, more so) are consumed with so many activities and often times do not take the time to spend with each other, I think of you often and miss your company very much. You have a precious husband and daughter in which you are and should be very proud of... and I to am proud of you for being such a great mommy.
fundraising queen haha :)

Maria said...

Fundraising Queen,
Thank you so much for your note. I miss you too and I understand you are busy. I think of you often. You too are a wonderful mother of 2 beautiful children. I hope to see you soon.