Friday, September 28, 2012

Ways I Saved/Earned Money This Week

- I read all of my Inbox Dollars emails for my account and my husband's daily to add money to our accounts.

- I read all of my MyPoints emails daily for my account and my husband's to add points to receive FREE gift cards.

- Cleaned out my coupon binder.

- Continued to use my FREE samples this week including - sticky notes, shampoo, conditioner, pen, and laundry detergent.

- Only used my dishwasher once this week.

- Printed a few coupons for future shopping.

- Paid a couple of bills online. No money spent on stamps.

- Requested a couple of FREE samples.

- Read a (3) FREE magazines that I received in the mail this week.

- Stuck to my menu plan this week. No eating out.

- Compared gas prices before filling up.

- Continued to cut my dryer sheets in half to save.

- Watched a FREE movie that I DVR'sd when Directv offered a FREE movie package weekend.

- Won a $50 Target gift card by taking a survey. 

- Did one sponsored post for payment for cash.

- Earned a $20 Amazon Gift card for a sponsored post.
- Made a trip to the grocery store for only a few items - milk, produce, and bread.
- Purchased diapers and wipes at CVS using a 25% off coupon and ECBs that were about to expire.
- My planters on my front porch were looking really bad. I thought about purchasing new ones but instead a bought a $2 can of spray paint and they look brand new.  Saved at least $50.
- Finished my Christmas card list so I will be prepared for Christmas.

What did you do to save/earn money this week? Please link up below or leave a comment and share how you did.

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