Saturday, February 11, 2012

Comment Saturday

Today is Comment Saturday!!

For every comment left, I will return the favor by responding to your comment and by visiting your blog and leaving a comment.
I love to hear from my readers and I encourage you to leave comments on any blog you visit.
Today's question.....What is your favorite gift to give for $10 or less?

I love to give gift cards as gifts. A $10 gift card to a restaurant or a store that I know that person often shops.  I also like to make themed gift baskets.  If you plan ahead of time, it is amazing what I am able to purchase for $10.  I always look for sale and clearance items, combine with a coupon and you can really give an awesome gift.


J Knorr said...

One of my favorite gifts to give that is under $10 is handmade soap and spa baskets. I can usually find the basket for a couple of dollars and I fill it up with all sorts of soaps and candles and hand knit dish cloths that I made myself to make up a spa basket. Its very inexpensive and the person receiving it just loves it!

Maria said...


Great idea. I wish I could knit. Thanks for sharing.

Pinch This, Stretch That! said...

This is such a hard question to answer. For kids, I love going to the dollar store and getting all sorts of items. They feel like they get so much and with them price never matters.

Maria said...

The dollar store is also a favorite of mine. It is like a treaure hunt, you never know what you are going to find.