Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Whew.......What a Day!!

Just when I think that today is going to be a nice, calm productive day.  I woke up this morning in a cleaning mood.  If you know me, when I get in this mood I take full advantage of it.  By 8:30 I had both kids feed, changed, and playing and I began to do laundry.  After that, I immediately straightened up the kitchen, cleaned all countertops, swept and mopped the floor, cleaned 2 bathrooms, made all the beds, went through all my summer clothes and pulled out things that I haven't worn in 2 years, cleaned out 2 drawers, continued doing laundry, took out the trash, watered flowers that I forgot to water last night, and swept the front porch.  I was just sitting down to my deal posts for Food Lion and Lowes Foods when Payton came running to me crying.  She was holding the side of her hair and all she could say was I'm sorry moma.  I immediately thought she had found a pair of scissors and cut her hair (yes, I keep those of her reach).  While I was in the kitchen, she had asked for a piece of gum.  I gave her a piece thought nothing else of it (she chews it often) but today she decided to chew on her hair while chewing gum.  She never chews on her hair.  Why start today, I don't know?  For almost an hour, I pulled and worked on getting gum out of her hair.  She finally confessed that not only did she take the piece I gave her but she also had snuck and got a second piece.  So she had 2 pieces of gum in her hair.  I finally had to cut a small piece out.   As a mom, you never know what is going to happen.  I prove that saying true today.  Hopefully, the rest of my day will be better.  At least, I did get a few things accomplished this morning.  Now to more blogging and preparing my coupon shopping for this week.

  Oh, how I wish I was here right now!!


GingerLily said...

When I was little, I had hair down to my behind and I was an avid gum chewer as well. I also used to fall asleep with it in my mouth and it would wind up in all that long hair of mine. My mom would use peanut butter to get it out. Not sure why it works, but it does. Just thought I'd pass along the trick in case your little one has another accident with gum! =)

Anonymous said...

I agree with KB. I also had extreamly long hair & my mom also used P.B. to get the gum out of my hair when I fell asleep with gum in my mouth. I think all girls go thru this stage. :) GOOD LUCK!

Maria said...

Thanks KB and Anonymous. I will definitely try that next time. Thanks for the comments.

American Dreamer said...


Boy did you bring back memories. My boys did this more than once. Peanut butter always worked for me also.

Maria said...


Thanks! I will definitely try peanut butter if there is a next time.