Wednesday, June 22, 2011

How I Saved $100 Today!

Earlier today, I recorded my receipts in my check register, balanced my checkbook, and paid some bills.  I always compare my checkbook with my online checking account balance every couple of weeks to make sure dh hasn't lost any receipts.  As I verifying that I had recorded all my receipts, I came across a $100 debt for gas made last week.  I knew it was a debit that I had not done so I immediately checked the date and verified that it was a day that dh had worked.  I couldn't figure out which vehicle would hold $100 in gas.  After a few minutes of trying to figure this out, I called dh.  I explained the $100 debit and his responded by oh no I used the wrong card.  He had used his personal debt card instead of using his company's gas card when he filled up his company truck.

I am so glad that I found this.  That would have $100 lost due to him using the wrong card. Thankfully, he has the receipt and we will get reimbursed for the gas purchase. 

This proves you need to always double check your purchases.  This could happen to anyone.  I am just so glad that I found it.  I would hate to have lost $100. 

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