Monday, January 3, 2011

My Goals for 2011

After reviewing our finances, my life and having a discussion with my husband.  Here is a few goals that I have set for myself that I feel like I CAN achieve in 2011.  Putting them on paper and sharing them with you  motivates me even more to do whatever I need to reach my goals.  Wish me luck!

Goals for 2011:

- Finish paying off our debt!!!

- Work even harder at saving money.

Remember, I am now a stay at home mom now so this has become a little harder but I WILL get it done.

 - Plan my shopping trips each week with the sales and coupons I have.

- Make a menu plan each week with food that we have so I will be prepared and organized if I need to pick up something up.

- Set aside time each to shop without the kids.  I find it so much easier to shop and look for deals when I do not have the kids with me.  This has been on of the reasons that I haven't been "couponing" as much.  I will set aside at least 1 evening/afternoon to shop alone.

- Purchase a laptop computer.  This is one of my personal goals.  I currently have a PC upstairs but I think it would be more convenient to have a laptop that I can use anywhere.  This way I don't have to "plan" a time to go upstairs and get on the computer.  My plan is to save "my" money and purchase a laptop without using any money in our budget and without using any of our savings.  I did receive some money for Christmas so right now I am starting out with $75.   I am also looking for ways to earn a little extra money for this purchase. 

- Set aside time for just ME each week.  Being a mom is one the greatest gifts in life but everyone needs a break and little me time.  I find this time to be rejuvenating and as the saying goes, if moma ain't happy no one is happy.  :)

Since the beginning of the year, I have already starting working towards my goals.  Since, I have discussed these with my dh I think it will make it alot easier to accomplish since he is onboard and also wants me to accomplish my goals and save money.  I also joined the Money Saving Challenge at Frugal makes Cents.  Reading this blog daily keeps motivated on finding ways to save money.


American Dreamer said...

You are off to a great start because you put your goals into words. I will be with you trying to motivate you every step of the way. I was a stay at home mom until the boys were in high school, so I know you can do it. When you are at home, you have so much more time to do things that save you money.

Maria said...


Thanks for your encouraging words. I try to find a way every day, no matter how small or big to try and save money.