Thursday, December 9, 2010

Ways I Saved/Earned Money This Week

Here is a list of things I did to save/earn money in the past week:

- I read all of my Inbox Dollars emails daily to add money to my account.
- I read all of my MyPoints emails daily to add points to receive FREE gift cards.
- Had leftovers for lunch 2 days this week. No food wasted and money saved by cooking something else.

- Continued trying to teach my 3 year old the importance of not leaving lights on or not using lights during the day when they are not needed.
- Cleaned out my coupon binder and filed new coupons for future shopping trips.

- Updated my Christmas list so I know who I still need to buy for.
- Watched 1 movie for FREE saved on my DVR, thanks to Starz free weekend on Directv a couple of months ago. 
- Continued our countdown to Christmas with Payton spent no money OOP.

- Made all meals out of stockpile.  No money spent on eating out.

- Installed electrical outlet and light switch insulators on the ones located on the outside wall of our house.  Since it has been so called here, I noticed cold air coming in around the outlets in the kitchen.  The insulators work great. We found them at Lowes for a great price.

- Received a $6 deposit in paypal for a survey payment.

- Purchased wrapping paper at the Hallmark Store - 4.99 for the 1st roll, .99 for 2nd roll, then used a $5 coupon, my total OOP 1.78.  I love their wrapping paper - very sturdy and easy to wrap with. 

- Printed several coupons to use when I finish my Christmas shopping this weekend.  I have to admit this is the first year that I have used so many coupons on toys.  It has been great.

- Cashed $10 in Swagbucks for Amazon credits.  I am already preparing for next Christmas.

- Purchased a $50 gift certificate to Kansas City Steaks for $15 (had a $10 groupon credit).  Can't wait for my order to arrive.

- Ordered my Christmas Cards and only paid $4.99 total.

- Trying to plan ahead for Christmas gatherings/parties so I will food on hand to prepare as well as hostess gifts to take.

What ways have you saved/earned money this week?


Ronalyn said...

Keep it up! Those little things add up!

American Dreamer said...

Fantaastic savings! My prime rib arrived from Kansas City steaks the other day. It looks scrumptious. We will be enjoying it with family on New Year's Eve!