Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Where Have I Been?

Last week was a very busy week at the Scott household.  As you may have noticed I did not do any blogging Thursday, Friday or Monday.  My baby girl turned 4 on Wednesday and we had lots of preparation to do for her birthday party.  This has been the first year that we have been able to have it outside due to the weather.  Usually it is too chilly for an outside party but not this year.  Our warm days have continued to visit us in October.  Saturday was her party day and it couldn't have been a more perfect day - sunny, 70 degrees, a slight breeze blowing.  Our theme this year was "Barnyard" party.  We offered horse rides, a hay ride, pin the tail on the donkey, barnyard bing bag game and a cow pinata.  I continued the theme for the goodie bags for the kids - metal buckets (I painted their names on them) filled with cowtails, milk duds, animal crackers, sunglasses, and plant your own seeds pots.  I even made the pig cupcakes for the party!!!  So easy to make and they were a huges success.  Here is a few pictures to share.  I can't believe my baby girl is already 4.

1 comment:

Dr. Mom said...

Looks like a lot of fun!