Monday, October 11, 2010

The Luckiest Way I Made $25

My dh said this would only happen to me...... A couple of weeks I ran over my cell phone with my car(I won't go into all the details).  It took me 24 hours to find my phone and realize what I had done.  Of course, I was upset.  Not due to the fact that I didn't have a phone but I knew I was going to have to buy a new one.  I had a really nice phone with touchscreen and a keyboard and I was able to access the Internet, email etc.  One of the main reason I got this phone was because of the promotion my carrier currently had when we went in to update our cell phones.  It was a $200 phone but I got it for FREE after rebate. 

After finding what was left of my phone, I went to my local carrier store, explained what happened and proceeded to look for a new phone.  After browsing for a few moments, a sales rep showed me my options I had with my current phone plan.  I was in complete shock!!  The cheapest phone I could get was $200.  I knew I was NOT paying $200 for a cell phone.  After a few moments of making the sales rep realize that, she said I had one other possible option.  She called the district manager who happened to have a USED phone just like the one I had for $75.  I  returned the next day, inspected the phone (looked brand new),  purchased the used phone and came home.  When returning home, I checked the mail.  To my complete shock, I had a offer from my cell phone carrier (mass mailing) wanting to buy my current phone for $100.  There was a postage paid envelope included.  The letter stated no phones with damage would be accepted.  As I was placing the letter and envelope in the trash can, I thought what have I got to lose.  I put my destroyed phone in the envelope, sealed it up and mailed it the following day.  Now remember, I ran over my phone with my vehicle.  The screen was smashed, the phone was scratched, cracked, but it would still turn on. 

You will never believe what I got in the mail Saturday...........a $100 Discover card for my destroyed phone.  I was giddy with excitement. 

I actually made $25 by running over my phone!!

My dh looked and me and said "This could only happen to you!"

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