Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Easter this year was so different than any other. With Payton being 3.5 years old, she was really into the holiday. Not only was she interested in the what the holiday is really about but she also enjoyed the kids activities which will be a tradition in our house every year. This was one of the best Easter's ever.

For grandparents and aunts and uncles she made sun catchers for their Easter gift. I found them at the Dollar Tree - a pack of 4 for $1 including paint.

She also enjoyed dying eggs. We did this last year but she really wasn't into it like she was this year. I even got her daddy to dye eggs with us.

Here she is Easter morning. She was so excited that the Easter bunny had left her a basket frull of goodies. Her favorite thing was the purple hat that I found at the Dollar Tree for $1 to match her Easter dress.

Here we are Easter Sunday all dressed up!!

Not only do I love teaching her what the true meaning of each holiday is but I also the traditions that we are starting to do each year. I look forward to so many more.

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