Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I am 29 weeks pregnant!! I have approximately 12 weeks left and I am already counting down. I just went for my 3rd ultrasound last week and my baby boy is doing great. I have gained a total of 7 lbs. so far.

This pregnancy has been very different from the first one. I have had morning sickness, tenderness and soreness, and lots of cravings. I really didn't experience a lot of this with Payton. Maybe that's the difference between a boy and a girl ??

With Payton, the only thing I craved was orange juice. In the past couple of months, I have craved fruit almost every day. I have eaten so much fruit that I have even made a meal out of it a few times....grapes, apples, oranges, grapefruit, pineapple, strawberries.

I made me a special treat one evening and dipped my strawberries in white chocolate. It so hit the spot. Just typing about it, I really would love to have one now.

Don't they look good!!! MMmmmmmmmm!!

I still haven't picked out a name and don't have a clue. I haven't fixed the nursery, I haven't fixed Payton's new room, nor have I really prepared my house for a new baby. I am really starting to panic but hopefully I will get everything done in time. By the time I work all day, and then do my daily routine when I get home I am ready for bed by 8:00. I am completely drained with no energy left.

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