Thursday, May 14, 2009


I wanted to pass this information along. This happened to my brother and his family over the weekend. My sister-in-laws laptop and Blackberry was stolen. My brother had his baseball cushioned bucket (a b-day gift from me, he is the coach to my nephews travel baseball team) with balls and 2 gloves stolen. A briefcase had been gone through and dumped out along with everything else in their car. They were very picky in what they got. They left behind DVDs, an Ipod, and my nephews bat bag. It happened in a parking lot at a shopping center. There were inside for approximately 20 minutes.

How to Lock Your Car and Why

There is a device that robbers are using now to clone your security code when you lock your doors on your car using your key-chain locking device. They sit a distance away and watch for their next victim. They know you are going inside of the store, restaurant, or bathroom and have a few minutes to steal and run. The police officer said to manually lock your car door-by hitting the lock button inside the car, that way if there is someone sitting in a parking lot watching for their next victim it will not be you. When you hit the lock button on your car upon does not send the security code, but if you walk away and use the door lock on your key chain - it sends the code through the airwaves where it can be stolen. Something totally new to us...and real. Be aware of this and please pass this note on...look how many times we all lock our doors with our remote...just to be sure we remembered to lock them....and bingo someone has our code...and whatever was in the car...can be stolen.

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