Friday, March 20, 2009


It is Friday but it seems like Thursday to me since I have only worked 4 days this week. I had to take Wednesday off because Payton was sick. She has a head and chest cold but she was running a fever and did not feel good at all. She is doing much better now.

This weekend is going to be a catch up weekend for me. I have so many things at home they need to be done. I am very behind on watching my shows on my DVR, reading my FREE magazines that I have gotten over the past 2 weeks, and working on my NEW favorite pasttime.........sudoko. I am addicted to this game.

As you can tell, I am not in a very productive mood at the moment. I hope that changes by the time I get home today. Any encouragement you may have is greatly appreciated.

Have a great weekend and I'll see you Monday!


Amanda from Faith, Food and Family said...

Hope you have a great weekend! Glad that your little one is feeling better. :)
God bless,

Debbie said...

I hope your weekend is shaping up as well as you wanted it to!