Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Thrifty Ways to Save on Vacation

1) If flying, search for discount airline tickets.
2) Restaurant. com - Gift certificates available for eating out.
3) If driving, pack a small cooler with drinks and snacks. The little things can add up.
4) House Rentals - Go with several people and split the costs.
5) Groceries - Buy nonperishable things on sale and stockpile.
6) Groceries - Locate a grocery store where you are going - Try to find a salespaper online to plan ahead. Make a grocery list and take coupons to use.
7) If going shopping at outlet stores, check online for coupons.
8) Set a budget - use the envelope method to set aside money for eating out, shopping, entertainment etc. Once the envelope is empty, you can't spend anymore.
9) Coupon Books - Some motels/hotels have free coupon books available with discounts for putt-putt, pizza delivery etc.
10) Visit attractions that are free - parks, piers, lighthouses etc.
11) If sightseeing, plan your route so you don't do any back tracking and waste gas.
12) If driving, record movies/cartons for kids to watch on DVD player instead of buying.

Please share any other tips you have.

1 comment:

Jerry said...

One method we use to lead to travel savings is to bring our own food during flights. Since almost all airlines charge for (usually really bad) food now, we bring our own stuff and it gives us some healthier and tastier food without cashing in the retirement annuity for our trip!