Friday, February 24, 2012

Ways I Saved/Earned Money This Week

- I read all of my Inbox Dollars emails for my account and my husband's daily to add money to our accounts.

- I read all of my MyPoints emails daily for my account and my husband's to add points to receive FREE gift cards.

- Cleaned out my coupon binder and filed new coupons for future shopping trips.

- Continued to use my FREE samples this week including - dish detergent (full size bottle), dryer sheets, fabric softner, lotion, razor and shampoo. 

- Only used my dishwasher once this week.

- Continued to keep the heat turned down. Still having warmer than normal days.

- No drugstore shopping this week.

- Only had to pickup a few items at the grocery store this week - milk, bread, cheese and produce.

- Stuck to my menu plan for this week except for one night.

- Continuing to try to drink more water. Not only is this good for me but it will also be a great way to save money.

- Used my points I earned at Lowes Foods to receive a .05 discount per gallon when getting gas.

- Wrote 2 sponsored posts for points to trade in for Amazon gift cards.

- I did my taxes and filed this week.  I didn't have to pay anyone to do them plus Yeahhhhhh I get a refund!!

- Watched a movie this week that I have recorded on my DVR from FREE movie weekend on DIRECTV.

- Printed a few coupons for future shopping trips.

What did you do to save/earn money this week? Please link up below.

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