Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Thrifty Tip for Flower Gardens

Every spring and summer I enjoy the beautiful flowers that come back every year around my house. I dislike spending money every spring for flowers to plant outside in my flower gardens. My thrifty tip is buy perennials when planting a flower garden. They come back every spring. They continue to grow and become larger then you are able to separate and move to other areas of yard, share with friends, or give as gifts. You do have to initially spend more on perennials but of course always look for a sale or a coupon to use with your purchase. In the end, the extra money is so well worth it.

Just this year, I separated 1 hosta plant into 5 and transplanted flowers that I grew last year from seeds (that were FREE) to 3 other areas of my yard.

There are thousands of perennials to choose from. Here is a few of my perennials.

1 comment:

Alea Milham said...

You are so right. Over a few years perennials save money, since it is a one time investment. There are a few annuals that I like, so I buy nonhybridized varieties, so that they will reseed themselves.